Writing portable Scheme programs

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Scheme, due to its minimalistic nature, has a deeply fragmented ecosystem. This means that any non-trivial program ultimately needs to depend on implementation-specific features. This page simply explains a few methods a Scheme hacker can rely on for writing portable Scheme programs, scripts and libraries.

Standard-conformant code

As far as Scheme standards go, you have three choices: R5RS, R6RS and R7RS. (See the Bibliography for links to the standards.)



Relying on SLIB



SRFI implementations as libraries

cond-expand for platform-specific code

SRFI-0 is the first SRFI/, describing a simple macro cond-expand that expands code at macro expansion time, based on symbols/keywords that stand for features the implementation chooses to provide as a guarantee of portability, (not unlike Common Lisp's #+/#- read macros).
Consider the following (overly simplistic) example;

;;; We need procedures from SRFI-1. (cond-expand (srfi-1) ; We already have it! ((or gauche chicken-3 chicken-4) (use srfi-1)) (chicken-5 (import srfi-1)) (guile (use-modules (srfi srfi-1))) (chibi (import (srfi 1))) (else (display "SRFI-1 could not be loaded.") (newline) (exit))) (display "SRFI-1 successfully loaded.") (newline)

Implementation specific notes

cond-expand features across implementations

See also